Sunday, May 8, 2011

How About Some Cheese with that Whine?

You wouldn't guess it looking at these pictures, but this little girl has turned into one clingy baby. I can barely put her down, she won't go to anyone else. It's very sweet that she loves her Mommy, but some days I wish she were more independent or I had two more arms!
She's got some personality to boot. She knows what she wants, and has no problem communicating it to us. She also likes to have her picture taken!

These are some of the cheesiest grins I have ever seen. Once she caught on to what I was doing the grins became sillier and sillier.

Fourteen months old, climbing like a monkey, and not walking. She can stand there and dance, bounce, and squat, but refuses to take one step on her own. She walks on her knees, it's the funniest thing. She can also crawl faster than the speed of light! I'm hoping that once she figures out walking, gains some independance, that the whining diminishes. A mother can dream right?

In the mean time, we'll just enjoy every single second we have left of babyhood!

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